The secret society portland
The secret society portland

the secret society portland

Even though I stayed way in the back, I felt like I could have asked k.d. All the artists were practically within arm’s reach the whole time. Inside and upstairs is a ballroom that seats about 120 people. There is one fairly obvious clue that this place is a PLACE and that is that it is flanked by two bars! But if you look twice (I had to) you can see the “flyer” for Jane Siberry’s show. For real, I have seen puppet shows with a bigger marquee. I know I did! But behind this seemingly paltry facade lives an entertainment mecca.

the secret society portland

The Secret Society is well hidden and easy to drive past. The memo instructs CBP representatives to respond: “At this time CBP Air and Marine Operations has assets on standby to assist as needed.If you were to drive down this typical Portland street, you would never guess that 8 hours from the time this shot was taken, two of the most awesome musical artists would be taking the house down in one of the modest structures that line the curbs. CBP formerly deployed a predator drone over Minneapolis, to the consternation of many in Congress, who sent CBP a letter excoriating the agency. The memo also addresses the question of whether CBP will deploy drones again. “It’s good for public image to have visible police presence as a deterrent,” the former intelligence officer said. “If it gives them a tactical advantage, they will find a way to justify it,” a current DHS official told The Nation.īut just because the practice is legal, that doesn’t mean it works in law enforcement’s favor. “Such operations happen all the time and at the discretion of supervisors.” “The fact is, they don’t have to do anything in marked vehicles,” he said. And that’s exactly what makes them so troubling, explains Jenn Budd, a former senior Border Patrol agent.Ī former senior DHS intelligence officer explained that while other federal agencies are required to wear identifiers when conducting arrests-NCIS agents have to wear both marked jackets and hats during arrests, for example-that is not the case with the DHS. While many people have criticized the alleged lawlessness of the arrests, some even engaging in conspiracy theories about them, these arrests are likely legal, according to current and former federal law enforcement officials interviewed by The Nation. “The Department of Homeland Security and its components will continue to work tirelessly to reestablish law and order,” he said. In several cases, it instructs CBP officials not to answer them, citing “operational security.” For example, in response to questions about where CBP personnel are being deployed, the memo says “it would not be appropriate to disclose law enforcement operational specifics which could jeopardize operational security.” As for questions about when CBP personnel will be deployed and for how long, the memo states, “We do not give out operational specifics, however we hope this support will be short-term, just for the July 4th weekend.” The CBP spokesman, however, did not give any indication the operation would be coming to an end.

The secret society portland series#

The talking points memo identifies a series of potential questions, including many of those being asked in response to the Portland arrests. Trump Unleashes His Secret Police in Portland

The secret society portland